
Chessbot Logo


Chessbot is a chat bot that allows users on Slack to play Chess against each other within the Slack platform. It produces images of the board for games in their state and contains them to chat threads.

I’ve written about its development here.

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I love making games as a hobby and have published some of the games I’ve been working on.

Smashlists Logo


Smashlists is an application that reports on items completed in specified projects in an email digest to recipients of your choosing.

It uses data from Todoist, so the email digests get formed naturally from normal workflow.

Boxmeup Logo


Boxmeup is a web and mobile application that helps organize and locate items. It works by creating a virtual “container” to contain items. You then print a QR label that references that container.

You can scan QR code labels to see a list of items in a container. You can also perform searches that will locate an item in a container.

View all my open-source projects.